

Da Nikster .. da-nihkssterr .. n 1: twenty-eight year old California girl with a penchant for taking really long naps, embarrassingly obsessed with Harry Potter, prone to spontaneous travel, and decidedly suspicious of all things liquid 2: a solid mass composed of chips and salsa, mountain dew, bagels, kit kats, and bananas adj 3: marked by brilliant visions of excellence locked in an epic battle with procrastination 4: exposed to, brightened, and warmed by the graciousness of God 5: Optimistic, independent, sarcastic, considerate, nerdy, hopeful, compassionate (a ~ disposition)

I am a full time corporate office lackey by day and a part time hobbyist, writer, and pseudo-athlete by night. "While everyone else is getting married or pregnant, I'm just getting more awesome." And dorkier, as this blog will attest. I am formally educated in the sciences, Biology and Immunology to be precise, but you're better off not asking me to explain how/why you've got a cough/boo-boo/pain of some sort. I'm just going to tell you to drink plenty of water, slap a Band-Aid on it, don't move it if it hurts, and don't bother with taking Emergen-C or Airborne, thinking happy thoughts is just as effective a placebo and will save you $5. Hey, it worked for Peter Pan.

By majoring in Biology, I've nicely set myself up for what I really want to do in life: become a published author by writing teen fiction. Yeah, figure that one out and you're one up on me. Don't worry, I read a lot, so that should make up for it . . . right?

I'm slowly, but surely, making headway on this whole 'being an adult' thing. I'm pleased to say that I can balance a check book, pay the gas bill on time, and do my own taxes without breaking a sweat. One of these days I may even go for broke and change my own flat tire. Until such a time, I'm still content to eat cereal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner on any given day and spend an entire weekend watching back to back episodes of Doctor Who.

The main purpose of this blog is to track my progress as I tackle the various challenges I've set for myself in 2012, but I wouldn't put it past myself to throw in a few diatribes on the pitiable state of society or go all fangirl and gush about just how much I heart Zachary Levi or Johnny Depp (which is a LOT!).

If you like a little bit randomness and a lot of snarkiness, this is the place for you. Please enjoy, please comment if the spirit moves you, and, most of all, please spread the love.

(Blog header photo taken by Heather Hurt, Innsbruck, Austria)

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