Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Word on Writing


Eloquent, I know.

This is just a quick post to discuss how far I am behind in all my goals. Ugh.

The ugly truth of it is that I have only written 1411 words in the last six weeks, only 11.8% of the 12,000 I should have written, were I still on track.

I am 6 books behind on my reading goal.

I've only run 4.25 miles in the past two weeks and I should be running at least 3.5 miles by now, three times a week.

I'm not even going to get into how I haven't managed to cook a single recipe or that I have three unfinished projects waiting in the wings.

To be fair, I have had some things come up that took away from my time - a short vacation in Texas, a trip to my hometown for my nephew's birthday, a much needed Audrey Hepburn marathon on a Saturday. Which leads me to my conclusion:

It's okay.

I'm behind, so what? I may be behind, but I have not given up. Life is allowed to get in the way because that is the point, isn't it? To live this life, the only one I've got, in a way that brings satisfaction and completeness.

There is nothing wrong with falling behind, so long as I keep on working. I may or may not catch up, but I will get there in the end, if a little later than I had originally planned.


  1. In my world, Audrey Hepburn marathons trump pretty much everything else, so you're actually ahead of the game. Now, that's in MY world. But if comforts you, think of it. (And having so many goals at once is bound bound BOUND to daunt your subconscience. Maybe be nice to yourself and take it a day at a time.) It's all going to be good. Love you!

    1. Good advice! Thanks Audrey. Also, if you have any particular advice, from one accomplished writer to another just-starting writer, I'm all ears.

  2. I am still sitting on the sidelines rooting you on!


    P.S. I am behind in checking your BLOG as you can see. :-(

    1. Thanks Padre! I'm a firm believer in better late than never. :-)
