Saturday, January 5, 2013

2013: Getting It Done

What is the start of a new year without a few resolutions? I'm not a fan of resolutions, as I believe there is an innate shelf-life to them that ends somewhere in the middle of February. On the other hand, I love making goals. Last year, I set a few goals for myself and although I may not have achieved all of them to the degree I had envisioned, I'm still proud of what I was able to accomplish.

A big fan of mantras, last year was the year of "Make It Happen" and I believe I was successful in altering my outlook towards life as one of action versus inaction. You can either choose to be passive and let life happen to you, or you can take the initiative and make life happen for you. I infinitely prefer the latter. As such, I am taking what I've learned from the last year and have set a handful of goals for 2013 in what I am dubbing the year of "Getting It Done". There is so much I want to do in this life, from small things such as figuring out how to apply eyeliner without looking like I got sucker-punched, to big things like getting published.

Dreams are great, but they're all talk until you do something about it - so get it done!

For 2013, I will:

1. Move to either of these three places. There are current job prospects in all three locations, I think I could be happy in any one of them. Each city brings its own unique benefits, as well as its share of sacrifices, but they will all put me ahead in my career in different ways. Here's to moving forward!

Dallas, via.

New York, via.

Burbank, via.

2. Climb Half Dome. I grew up only a couple hour's drive outside of Yosemite, but I never took the opportunity to climb Half Dome. It may be a challenge to complete it if I live out of state, but I am planning to cross this off my bucket list come June. Friends, if you're interested in joining me in this endeavor, let me know - the more the merrier!

Half Dome, via.

3. "Do" Las Vegas. I have only ever driven down the strip, in daylight, no less. I want to do Las Vegas properly, with lots of high heels, impulsive decision making, haphazard dancing, and tons and tons of revelry.

Las Vegas, via.

4. Become a proficient swimmer. Historically, I've despised swimming in all bodies of water with a vehemence known only to the truly pathological. However, I understand the utility of being a decent swimmer - certainly not to an Olympic standard, but well enough so that I can reasonably keep up with my future kids during mommy & me swim lessons.

Become a proficient swimmer, via.

5. Write 12 Short Stories. While also working on my novels, I want to get some practice in, so 12 short stories it is. Short stories, I find, are a million times harder to write than a novel, but can be very rewarding in terms of learning how to become a better technical writer. One story a month, roughly 1500 words or so. I can do this. (P.S. I really want an Underwood typewriter. #love)

Write 12 Short Stories, via.

6. Be more flexible. Being more flexible will help in all areas of fitness, but I just think it would be amazing to be able to bend myself in half like this. The blog where this photo is from has more stretches to improve flexibility, to ultimately improve one's running, but I'd be content to just be able to touch my forehead to my knees.

Be more flexible, via.

7. Buy a dining table. This is a bit contingent on where I end up, but where ever I do go, so long as it fits in my apartment, I will make purchasing a dining table a priority. I went without one all of last year and ate most of my meals on my couch. I want to be a little more sophisticated than that and to actually eat meals at a real table. Plus, table top decorations are fab.

Buy a dining table, via.

8. Pay off a credit card. It's time to be very mindful about making wise financial decisions. I want to pay off one of my credit cards. And. I. Will.

Pay off a credit card, via.

9. Eat better. It's just about impossible for me to stop eating junk, but if I eat healthier stuff first, I'll have less room for the junk. It's basic physics, I just wish I could enjoy veggies more. I will work on it.

Eat better, via.

3. Read 50 classic novels. I have a fantastic list of 1,000 books in literature to read before I die. I haven't made much of a dent in it, so this year I will read 50 books from that list specifically. I tend to read a lot of rubbish and think it would be nice to broaden my knowledge of the classics.

Read 50 classic novels, via.

2013 is shaping up to be an incredible year. If you too have set some goals for 2013, I wish you all the best in achieving what you set your mind to. Get it done!


  1. Love the goal to write a short story a month. I've been thinking about getting back into fiction writing. I've barely done it since I graduated. Screenwriting was my main fiction interest so it's been a long, long time since I penned a good old fashioned story. I'd also like to work on some of my screenplay projects more. We shall see! The flexible one is also good. Many moons ago I had a crazy idea that I wanted to be cheerleader, so I spent a few months working on flexibility. I used to be able to do a right splits and other crazy flexible things. When I realized I was crazy and being a cheerleader would never happen, I stopped doing all the flexibility stuff. I'd love to get back there again!

    1. I've never tackled a screenplay, it seems quite daunting to me now, but I'd love to try it sometime. I think it'd be fantastic to be a writer for a TV sitcom and I imagine having some screenwriting skills would be handy. :-)

      Cheerleading definitely gets you into shape, at least in terms of flexibility and stamina. My high school had the typical kind of cheerleaders, so it was never something I was all that interested in, but one of my closest college friends did cheer and made it quite clear that true cheerleaders are athletes too. She helped change the error of my ways, that's for sure. We should both tackle the flexibility thing, we can help keep one another accountable. :-)

      Thanks for reading!

  2. You can do it Nikkinik! I love all of these goals, they're all fully attainable, and you're just amazing so I have no doubt you will succeed. I hear Burbank is just lovely and that is where Chuck lives. Those are my two examples of why you should move there. Just saying. :)

    1. Chuck lives in Echo Park, which is adjacent more or less; the Buy More is in Burbank. It's not weird at all that I know that. Also, I fully agree that using fictional TV characters to assist in my decision making is completely acceptable. And I'm not being facetious. Plus, it's where Disney HQ is!

      Thanks for the support Kimmy, as always! Sooooo . . . you wanna do Half Dome with me?!?!?! The answer is YES.

  3. I always enjoy reading your blog. Your writing is fun with excellent metaphors. You never fail to make me laugh or at least chuckle and I don't mean the jellied sugar coated candy. I am like you I am not fond of resolutions as I have rarely, if ever, carried through with one. But this year I am going to make a clear effort to better take care of myself...mainly by eating less junk and riding my horse more than occasionally. You can help me with these by nagging..I mean reminding of my goal. Deal?

    1. Deal! You realize you just gave me free reign to nag you, right? No take-backs. :-)

  4. So many good goals! And (shocker) several of them are mine, too. Being more flexible has always been a dream of mine. Shortly before Christmas I began stretching... religiously. I've NEVER been able to touch my face to my knees. But I'm getting closer to being able to touch my toes while keeping my legs straight, etc. Exciting. Hopefully we'll become a couple of Gumbies. :-) Good luck in 2013, Twin!

    1. Nice! I'm horribly inflexible, like Barbie before they introduced the bendable knee. I'm super excited to get to the Gumbie state, I think it's really going to help my back problems. Win!

      And best of luck to you, too, Twin!

  5. Those are great goals! I would love to write short stories or atempt a novel but it sounds pretty terrifying. I commend you for going for it! And I love the idea of get flexible, I'm working on getting my splits back (I had them when I was 8 and took ballet lessons haha)

    1. Writing is scary, but it's very rewarding too! If you have a story in you, just start writing. Even if it's less than perfect, you can edit later. Good luck to you, too! I've never been able to do the splits, even when I was in ballet. I was always jealous of those girls. :-)

      Thank you for reading!
